When You Question Your Value, Encourage Yourself with this Truth
/photo by pete bellis on unsplash
Do you ever feel like you don’t have much to offer? Do you sometimes look at other people and feel like your talents pale in comparison?
Most of us have probably had at least a few days when we’ve felt discouraged about ourselves. Days when we’ve questioned our value and purpose. Maybe we’ve even wondered what God, or others, could ever see in us.
In Matthew 13:45-46 (NLT), Jesus said: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!”
Usually, when this parable is explained, we’re taught that the merchant is us (or any person seeking God), and the pearl is the good news of Jesus Christ. We’re told that this story illustrates how the Gospel is of such great value that we should give all we have to attain it.
Which is true! Our relationship with God is a treasure beyond compare.
But, there is another way to look at this parable.
In this alternative perspective, God is the merchant, and we are the pearl.
God, in His deep love and desire for us, gave everything He had, His only Son Jesus, in order to purchase us back and bring us into relationship with Him.
When I think about the parable in this way, it is overwhelming. How wonderful to be so dearly esteemed!
God didn’t part with His Son to purchase something of minor worth. No, what He purchased is precious, and what He purchased is you.
You are a treasure. You are of exceedingly great value to God. And, whether you feel like it or not, you are of great value to those around you. You have gifts, talents, and reflections of God Himself within you, which God has given you both for your enjoyment and the good of those in your life.
Perhaps you can’t see that about yourself right now. But can you start to trust that how God perceives you is the ultimate truth about yourself? Can you choose to believe, before you feel?
And then, consider starting to explore this treasure of you. What are your deepest dreams, values, and passions? What do you enjoy? What are you good at? What are some ways you can share God’s love through what He’s put in you?
God paid the highest price for you for a reason. He never intended for His beautiful pearl to be hidden in a dusty box. No, He wants to put you in your proper setting, the place where you fit perfectly and are best able to display your—and His—radiant beauty.
Even though it can be a bit scary (and sometimes a bit of work) to let ourselves shine and share what’s within us, only when we do so can we fulfill God’s beautiful design for our lives.
I hope this encourages you! And I pray that today you will know on an even deeper level how cherished you are by God, and how much you matter and can make a difference!
With love,
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16 (NIV).
I want to hear from you!
What are some of the gifts God has given you? Has this been area of struggle for you? How can I pray for you? Please let me know! You can email me or comment below. :)
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