Leonardo da Vinci and God Both Created Their Masterpieces This Way

Leonardo da Vinci and God Both Created Their Masterpieces This Way

…Whenever I think of da Vinci and his hand painting, I can’t help but think of Ephesians 2:10, which says that “we are God’s masterpiece” (NLT).

Just as da Vinci personally and carefully formed the Mona Lisa with his fingers, so God tenderly and intentionally molded and formed you into His great masterpiece…

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I Was a Mess—Until I Realized This...

I Was a Mess—Until I Realized This...

...There was actually a good reason for my distress: I was trying to fit into a role I wasn’t meant for. Once I recognized this reality and adjusted course, the emotional storm inside settled down.

Since then, I’ve learned that as uncomfortable as it is, anxiety is a signal worth paying attention to. 

Sometimes it signals an underlying medical condition, an unhealthy work environment, or unresolved emotional wounds or trauma...

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When You Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Mistakes

When You Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Mistakes

...You can be sure that next time, I’m going to make sure my lighting is better and my earrings match. But I’m also doing my best to break up with the idea that perfection is what gives my work power. Because it’s not by might and self-striving but by God's Spirit that the work He’s given me to do will be accomplished...

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What Makes Your Heart Sing? What a Robin Can Teach Us About Our Callings

What Makes Your Heart Sing? What a Robin Can Teach Us About Our Callings

Imagine a robin who decided her beak was better used for digging holes than making music—what a waste it would be! What a loss of a gift that reveals God’s glory and brings joy to so many!

It might be a silly example, but we often neglect our gifts in a similar way. We decide it doesn’t matter what we want—as long as we’re doing something “practical” or “productive…”

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When What You Want Is Exactly What You Need

When What You Want Is Exactly What You Need

When you want nothing more than to take an afternoon nap, maybe it’s because that’s exactly what your body needs to strengthen itself and carry on.⁠

When your job is sucking your soul dry and you want to make a change, maybe it’s because your job is a poor fit for your gifts and personality and a career change is exactly what your soul needs to flourish.⁠..

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Jesus Said No to People Pleasing—And Why You Should Too

Jesus Said No to People Pleasing—And Why You Should Too

While we tend to equate saying yes with being “loving” and saying no with being “unloving,” in actuality, declining a request is not necessarily unloving. In fact, when it paves the way for obedience and enables us to accomplish our individual callings, it can be the most loving and godly thing we can do…

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How God Wove Music Into Your DNA

How God Wove Music Into Your DNA

You may find it easy to see how nature displays God’s glory. But what about when you look at yourself? Are you filled with the same wonder and awe? Our culture’s constant provocation to personal discontent and our tendency toward self-criticism can make it hard to recognize, but you too are part of the symphony of creation declaring God’s majesty…

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When You Feel That You’re Not Qualified

When You Feel That You’re Not Qualified

“…Your worth and eligibility for God’s work are not dependent on degrees or demographics. And if the only thing holding you back from moving toward that thing God is stirring in your heart is feeling “less than” due to lack of a college education or belonging to a specific age bracket, I hope you dismiss those feelings, take a deep breath, and push forward…

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7 Tips to Help You Achieve Your God-given Goals

7 Tips to Help You Achieve Your God-given Goals

…The plethora of books, courses, and coaching programs aimed at helping us achieve goals reveals that I’m not the only one who has struggled with moving forward in the goals I’ve set. It seems that, no matter how good our intentions, even our most worthy goals are often met with resistance…

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He Restores My Soul

He Restores My Soul

…I feel a similar sense of sadness and fatigue, a kind of malaise that makes me just want to sit on the couch and lose myself in a box of chocolates and mystery novel.

And while there’s nothing wrong is enjoying a day curled up on the couch with a book, I know that what my soul needs is deeper than a simple self-care practice can provide—I need God’s supernatural healing in my heart…

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Do It Afraid: Courageously Moving Forward in God’s Plan

Do It Afraid: Courageously Moving Forward in God’s Plan

If you’re struggling with fears related to an action you need to take, I encourage you to do it afraid. Remember: Fear is designed to hold you back from God’s best for you. It wants to keep you small and stop you from achieving your goals. But the truth is, fear can’t stop you from doing anything…

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It's Okay to Cry: Cultivating Compassion for Our Hearts During Seasons of Grief

It's Okay to Cry: Cultivating Compassion for Our Hearts During Seasons of Grief

When it comes to sadness, our culture may say stuff it. Our family may shrug it off. Our church may minimize it. But whether we’re crying in an airport, a grocery store, or a sanctuary, Jesus will never turn away from our sorrowing hearts. He knows the fragility of our human form. He understands the wear and tear, the tension and the trauma of living on this fallen Earth. Our tears are His treasures…

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