5 Reasons Why You Need a Purpose Statement, No Matter Who You are or What You Do

5 Reasons Why You Need a Purpose Statement, No Matter Who You are or What You Do

When I first started my coaching business, I read lots of advice about the need for a business purpose statement, so, dutifully, I got to work crafting one. In the midst of that process, something very cool happened: I also ended up creating a personal purpose statement.

Before my business, it never even occurred to me to create a purpose statement for my life. Now, in hindsight, I can’t believe I hadn’t done it sooner! It is one of the best things I have ever done, and today I want to share five reasons why I now believe EVERYONE should have a personal purpose statement no matter who you are or what you do...

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Ten Attributes of a Calling

Ten Attributes of a Calling

What is a calling?

It’s a term we hear tossed around frequently, but what does it mean, really?

The dictionary defines calling as “a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence.”

Leadership expert Michael Hyatt asserts that it is comprised of four factors: It comes from outside yourself, it’s unique to you, it’s something you want to do, and it’s optional...


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