Times of Transition can Feel Awkward and Uncomfortable. These Five Things can Help You Get Through with Grace

Times of Transition can Feel Awkward and Uncomfortable. These Five Things can Help You Get Through with Grace

Our state bird here in Alaska is the willow ptarmigan. I think they are so adorable with their kind, watchful eyes and their legs and feet covered in feathers, like little built in bird snowpants.

They also have the wonderful ability to change color with the season. They are snow white in the winter and brown in the summer. And in the spring and fall…well, they’re in between…

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5 Reasons Why You Need a Purpose Statement, No Matter Who You are or What You Do

5 Reasons Why You Need a Purpose Statement, No Matter Who You are or What You Do

When I first started my coaching business, I read lots of advice about the need for a business purpose statement, so, dutifully, I got to work crafting one. In the midst of that process, something very cool happened: I also ended up creating a personal purpose statement.

Before my business, it never even occurred to me to create a purpose statement for my life. Now, in hindsight, I can’t believe I hadn’t done it sooner! It is one of the best things I have ever done, and today I want to share five reasons why I now believe EVERYONE should have a personal purpose statement no matter who you are or what you do...

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