Praying This Bible Verse Transformed My Experience Of God's Love

Praying This Bible Verse Transformed My Experience Of God's Love

Do you know God loves you but struggle to feel it?

I can relate.

I remember driving home from church one dark winter night in my twenties, my heart troubled by my lack of experience of God’s love on an emotional level. I knew God loved me, but sometimes, inside, I felt as cold as the shimmering snowbanks flying by my car. I longed to actually feel, warmly and deeply, God’s love…

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The Animal That Most Inspires Me to Run the Race of Life With Passion and Purpose

The Animal That Most Inspires Me to Run the Race of Life With Passion and Purpose

Do you want to run the race of life to the best of your abilities? When you get to the end, do you want to hear, “Well done!”?

I know I do, and I’m guessing you do too! Today I'm sharing a devotion* I wrote that I hope encourages you as you push forward in passionately pursing your purpose…

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Is There Fall in Heaven?

Is There Fall in Heaven?

I adore fall time. I love it so much, in fact, that I like to say in Heaven I’m going to have a house that is surrounded by a perpetually autumn landscape. Recently, I was joking with a friend about my future autumnal home, and this question arose: If fall, as wonderful as it is, is a season of loss and decay, could there actually be fall in Heaven?⁠

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When You Don't Recognize Your Gifts

When You Don't Recognize Your Gifts

I stood at the baggage claim in the Sacramento airport, praying that my duffle would magically materialize. After flying all night, I was exhausted. I still had a two-hour drive ahead of me, and I wanted nothing more than to collect my luggage and get on with my journey. Finally, after watching the carousel rumble by for the 100th time, I accepted that my bag had not arrived…

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The One Encouraging Thing About Worry

The One Encouraging Thing About Worry

I don’t know about you, but when I struggle with a worry, besides feeling anxious and uncomfortable, I also often deal with guilt and disappointment because I know that a life of worry is not what God wants for us. I feel like if only I had stronger faith or was a more mature Christian I wouldn’t have these struggles…

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What I Didn't Realize About Easter

What I Didn't Realize About Easter

As a kid, I had a pretty simplistic view of Easter.

When I was really little, it meant spring time, chocolate cream eggs, and a new dress for church (I remember one dress in particular with a strand of plastic pearls sewn to the collar—it made me feel so pretty and grown up). As I got older, Easter came to mean “Jesus died and rose again so we can go to Heaven.”...

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My Favorite Valentines Are Not What You Might Expect

My Favorite Valentines Are Not What You Might Expect

My favorite Valentines haven’t been cards with cuddly kittens on the front or boxes of chocolate (though I do enjoy those too!).

It might sound funny, but my favorite Valentines have been sunrises.

I received my first one—at least, the first one I actually realized was addressed to me—a few years ago...

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