When You Don’t Feel God’s Love: 5 Practices for Going Deeper in Your Relationship With God

When You Don’t Feel God’s Love: 5 Practices for Going Deeper in Your Relationship With God

“I don’t feel God’s love.”

Have you ever said or thought these words?

If so, you’re not alone. Many times I’ve struggled with the disconnect between knowing that God loves me and actually feeling His love.

It might be tempting to brush aside the discomfort of this disconnect and get on with the responsibilities of life. “After all,” some say, “love is an action, not a feeling.” But if you look closely at the love displayed in the Bible, it’s clear that it’s not just rote responsibility—it’s also passionate emotion...

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I Long To Be Loved And Enjoyed. Jesus Used These 3 Verses To Show Me That He Does Too.

I Long To Be Loved And Enjoyed. Jesus Used These 3 Verses To Show Me That He Does Too.

We all want to be loved.

I think the popularity of Valentine’s Day (I hope you had a great one, by the way!) is a testament to our intense desire to belong to a special someone who will love us unconditionally and make our hearts complete.

I’m well acquainted with that longing for love, and I’ve tried for years to fill my heart with the of love friends, family, and my husband. But as wonderful as these relationships are…

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God is Sending You Love Notes. Have You Been Noticing?

God is Sending You Love Notes. Have You Been Noticing?

Not long ago, I was driving down the road on a bright winter day when movement on the shoulder ahead caught my eye. At first I thought it might be a fox. I slowed down to take a look and quickly realized that the animal was too big to be a fox. Was it a dog…? As it trotted across the road, my heart jumped. I saw, to my shock, that it was a lynx!

I’m sure my eyes were bulging like a startled pug’s. I’ve never seen a wild lynx, and I had long been asking God to let me see one of these stealthy forest cats…

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It's Cold Outside! Warm Your Heart With These Verses About God's Love for You

It's Cold Outside! Warm Your Heart With These Verses About God's Love for You

Happy February, ladies! I don’t know about you, but I love the month of love! At a time when we’re still being battered by winter’s icy paw, Valentine’s brings so many cozy, good feelings. I love the warm pinks and reds, the luxurious chocolates, the cheerful flowers…

I love that the days are growing longer, and after months of weak winter sun, I can actually feel a bit of heat shining through my windows…

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My Favorite Valentines are not What You Might Expect

My Favorite Valentines are not What You Might Expect

My favorite Valentines haven’t been cards with cuddly kittens on the front or boxes of chocolate (though I do enjoy those too!).

It might sound funny, but my favorite Valentines have been sunrises.

I received my first one—at least, the first one I actually realized was addressed to me—a few years ago...

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