Celebrating the Wonder, Mystery, and Beauty of Our Creator's Birth This Christmas

photo by benjamin voros on unsplash

photo by benjamin voros on unsplash

A few years ago, my church’s worship pastor, who was in charge of composing an arrangement for our Christmas Eve service, asked if I would be interested in writing something to accompany the music.

As I prayed about this opportunity, I felt as if God dropped an idea into my mind, and what I eventually came up with is a poem I entitled “Our Creator’s Birth.” I read the poem at our Christmas Eve service in 2018, and then last year it was published in The Joyful Life’s Winter 2020 issue.

I’ve been wanting to share this poem for a while, but for a variety of reasons that hasn’t happened yet. But the time has finally come, and today, in lieu of my regular blog post, I’m excited to finally share this piece with you. (You can read the full poem below.)

All the wonder, mystery, and beauty of Christmas is wrapped up in this one thing: Our creator, God Himself, becoming a part of creation. It is a mystery that never ceases to amaze me, and I pray that in the coming days you experience a fresh infusion of the joy, power, and love of Jesus Christ. And I wish you the merriest Christmas!

With love,

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Our Creator’s Birth

Dark has fallen
And calm curtains the blackness like a blanket of fresh snow.
The Earth turns with a sigh as
Slowly, one by one, stars appear—
Question marks on a velvet canvas.
The moon, crescent and diamond white, rises over the horizon,
Climbing the sky with all the weariness of an exiled royal.

Drowsiness hovers in the deepening dusk, and…
There’s something else—
A tension,
An anticipation, like that of a spotlight on an empty stage.
But, for what?
This night looks like any other:
The same silhouettes of sleepy hills.
The same slumbering fields.
The same sedative murmur of rock-strewn streams.
The same lullaby of lowing livestock…

Suddenly, a wet cry startles the darkness!
The stars blink in surprise.
The moon’s eyes grow wide.
The Earth itself strains to hear—
That voice! They know it!
It’s the voice that resonates with every molecule of their matter!
It’s the sound of living water and radiant light, the sound of love and power and quiet.
It’s the voice that spoke them into existence millennia ago!

In response to the sob of a naked newborn
All creation swells in exhilaration—God with us!
Exaltation erupts across the sky.
The stars, white-hot sequins of fire, shimmer in celebration.
Comets explode like confetti,
And the moon splits wide in a smile more radiant than that of a new mother.

Just when it seems like the sky cannot contain any more joy
The atmosphere burns brighter still—
Thousands of a holy host appear!
With voices sweeter than silver harps, angels proclaim:
Peace on earth!
Good news for all!
Tonight is born the Messiah,
Our Savior,
Christ the Lord!

The One, who, on a night darker than this, in a universe yet more still,
In a chaos void of light, spoke the world into existence.
And deep in His heart, as He called forth the sun and stars, the moon and the northern lights,
As His voice unfurled galaxies and multiplied planets,
There was an aching whisper, a longing waiting longer yet to be fulfilled.
The same aching whisper buried in the depth of an infant wail—the whisper of you.
You were His dream before the dawn of creation.
Can you feel His voice resonate in every molecule of your matter?
You are why He came—
Can you believe it?
He’s given you His heart.
Will you give Him yours?

P.S. Many times while working on this poem, I was brought to tears as I meditated on the enormity of the gift of Jesus. His tender love for us is truly beyond comprehension.

He’s given us His heart, and all He asks, all He dreams of, is for us to give Him our hearts in return.

Have you given Him yours?

Do you talk to Him? Can you hear Him talking to you? Have you decided to follow Him and trust Him with your entire life? If you haven’t yet made the step of choosing to accept God’s gift for yourself, there is no better time than today. He gave everything for you so that, in Him, you can have everything—peace, joy, health, and purpose—the vibrant life we all, deep down, long for.

If you’ve been walking with God for a while, take some time to ask yourself, Are there any parts of my heart I’m holding back? Talk with Him about how you can give Him more of your heart. And remember, what we give Him, He always gives back in better form!

Whether you have been following Jesus for years or have yet to start a relationship with Him, I would love to pray for you and do my best to answer any questions you have about walking with God. Contact me here and we’ll talk!

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