Discovering What God Is Calling You To in the New Year, a Fresh Perspetive on To-Do Lists, and Other Resources

Photo by Ben Weber on Unsplash

Happy last day of December!

As you know (unless you're new to my online community—in which case, welcome!), at the close of every month, I share a few of my favorite listens, reads, and resources.

As we move into January, I hope these resources encourage and inspire you as you pursue a life of purpose, joy, and intimacy with God!

You are in my thoughts and prayers, and I wish you the happiest New Year!


Finding Joy in Everyday Life...

Before we get to the resources, here are a few of my favorite things that happened in December!

I've been blessed with more animal sightings in my neighborhood. My favorite was this marten on the left/top (it's a little small, but you can see him tucked up in a branch in the top left quadrant of the photo.)

My dad saw a marten a month or so ago, and I've been praying that I would get to see one too—and I did! It was the first time in all my years in Alaska that I've seen one in the wild. God is so good!

I enjoyed getting to see this beautiful moose in my yard too!

I got to go snowboarding with my sweetheart! I hadn't been for a few years (except on my driveway, but that doesn’t really count), but I’m hoping to start going again more often this winter! There’s nothing quite like the feeling of gliding over fresh, fluffy snow.

Fun fact: I’ve had this snowboard since 1999! 😂

The sun peeking over the hill across from my house at 11:15 a.m. on December 8th (it doesn't get much higher than that in December!). The days are short and the nights are long in Alaska this time of year, but we are rewarded with stunning sunrises and sunsets. Now that we've passed winter solstice, we are slowly gaining light! You can read more about our winter sun in this Instagram post. ☀️

What was your favorite thing about December? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

I've been reading...

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

“Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight,
At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more,
When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death,
And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.

At the beginning of the month, I was thinking about what Christmas-themed books I might want to read this December, and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was one of the first that came to mind. While perhaps not a traditional Christmas story, it does have Christmas themes, and the way C.S. Lewis weaves the entire gospel story into the book is truly profound.

This was my third time reading it (which says something because it's not often that I re-read books), and I'm sure it won't be my last. While I enjoyed this book and the entire Chronicles of Narnia series as a kid, I have come to appreciate them so much more as an adult.

If by chance you haven't read this book or the others in the series, do yourself a favor and start the New Year with the most powerful "children's" stories you'll likely ever read!

You can learn more about this book here!

I've also been reading...

"TA DA! Celebrating Everyday Wins with God" by Ellie Di Julio

Last year, I had the pleasure of reading this article by Ellie Di Julio while it was going through the editing process in preparation to be published on The Joyful Life blog. Her unique twist on the to-do list has stuck with me, and after recently re-reading her article, I wanted to share it with you.

Here's a little snippet that summarizes the TA DA list:

"Where a to-do list is designed to keep you on track for the future, the TA DA! list celebrates the past and turns it into joy for the present. It focuses on what you did, not what you failed to do, even if it wasn’t in the plan. It’s a daily reminder that little things matter, that progress is progress, that if all you did today was watch Disney+ on the couch and eat Cheetos in your pajamas, you still did something—that you’re alive and breathing. And that’s worth celebrating."

If you ever feel like your to-do list is "judging" you—that it is more of a disappointing reminder of all you didn't get to rather than a celebration of what you accomplished—this article is for you!

You can read the full article here!

🌞 Do you want to express your purpose and make a difference, but you’re not sure where to start?⁠⠀⁠⠀
🌞 Are you meandering through life, but longing for direction?⁠⠀⁠⠀
🌞 Are you lacking joy and contentment, but you’re not sure why?⁠⠀⁠⠀
⁠🌞 Are you in a time of transition and feeling the need to step back and reassess who you are before you move forward?
If you answered yes to any of the above, I have created a resource just for you. It's my self-study e-course, Your Creative Best.
In my course, I guide you through a simple 3 step process designed to help you explore your purpose and then start intentionally expressing your purpose and gifts in your everyday life. ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀
Together we ⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀
1️⃣ Look at what the Bible says about purpose.⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀
2️⃣ Explore clues to who you are, including your passions & values, your gifts & skills, your personality, and your dreams & desires. ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀
3️⃣ Bring it all together and prayerfully explore who, what, and where you can share what God has given you, and then set specific goals for how you can move forward in what you feel Him calling you to. ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀
Your purpose is not out there, somewhere just beyond the horizon. It’s already planted within you, woven by God into your very being before you were even born. You can start walking in your purpose today!⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀
If you’re ready to find your direction and intentionally partner with God in making a difference in the lives around you, I hope you'll check out this resource! It's 50% off (making it just $19 dollars!) for the month of January, so now is a great time to snag it! 🎉

You can find out more here and you can purchase the course here.

If you have any questions, you can contact me here!

I've been listening...

I came across this rendition of "What Child Is This" on Christmas Day, and it moved me to tears. It's so beautiful and worth a listen!

P.S. Looks like you’re interested in pursuing a life of purpose and faith!

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I wrote this post because I’m on a mission to encourage and equip women to live the life of faith, passion, and purpose that we were made for. You can help make a difference by sharing this post with a friend (or friends!) who you think would be encouraged or inspired by it. Thanks!


Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission, with no additional cost to you. I only recommend products or services I believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”