I Long To Be Loved And Enjoyed. Jesus Used These 3 Verses To Show Me That He Does Too.
/photo by izabelle acheson on unsplash
We all want to be loved.
I think the popularity of Valentine’s Day (I hope you had a great one, by the way!) is a testament to our intense desire to belong to a special someone who will love us unconditionally and make our hearts complete.
I’m well acquainted with that longing for love, and I’ve tried for years to fill my heart with the of love friends, family, and my husband. But as wonderful as these relationships are, I’ve discovered the truth that, as Oswald Chambers so eloquently puts it, “There is only one Being Who can fill the last aching abyss of the human heart, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Lately, as I’ve been talking with God about my longing for love and seeking to find it in Him, I’ve experienced some holy, healing moments where He has shown me His love in really sweet ways, ways that make my heart feel full.
But as God has been ministering to me about my own longing for love, He’s also been drawing my attention to someone else’s longing: His own.
He’s been showing me that all the longing for love I feel, He feels too. He longs to be wanted and enjoyed, just like I do.
In John 4:24 (TPT) Jesus says: “For God is a Spirit, and he longs to have sincere worshipers who worship and adore him in the realm of the Spirit and in truth.”
Do you see that? God longs to have worshipers who adore Him.
We also see Jesus’ deep longing for the love of His people when He looks over Jerusalem and says: “How many times I have longed to gather a wayward people, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings—but you were too stubborn to let me” (Matthew 23:37 TPT).
Here He expresses His deep love for the Israelites and His heartache at their lack of reciprocation and rejection of His love.
We find another poignant picture of Jesus pursuing love in Revelation 3:20 (NIV), where He says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”
Jesus is knocking. He’s seeking intimate communion. But He’s also a gentleman, He doesn’t force His way in. He’s longing for relationship with us, but He waits for us to accept His request and to invite Him in.
Jesus longs to be loved and enjoyed, and you are the object of His desire. There’s a place in His heart that only you can fill.
How can you invite Him in and express your love for Him today?
I encourage you to connect with God in your heart and listen for the ways He would love to be loved by you.
If you’re having trouble thinking of how you can show God love, here are a few ideas to get you started: You could show love by singing to Him, talking to Him about what’s on your mind, spending time with Him through reading His Word, or enjoying His presence on a quiet prayer walk. You could show Him love by doing a kind act for someone else (remember how Jesus said, “Whatever you do to the least of these you do to me”?). You could write Him a love letter or poem. You could paint Him a picture or plant a flower.
True love and happiness, as well as our ultimate purpose, is found in this mutually satisfying love relationship with the Creator of our souls and the Lover of our hearts.
Whatever you do this week, I’m praying that you experience Jesus’ love in deep, new, tangible ways and that you’ll also find joy in giving Him the love and adoration He longs for.
In purpose and faith,
Do you…⠀
✔️ Long for purpose and direction?
✔️ Feel like you’re meandering through life?⠀
✔️ Wonder if having a purpose is just something for a special few, or does it include you too?⠀
✔️ Feel a lack of joy or a sense of discontent with your day-to-day life?
If you’re answer to any of the above is yes, I have something special just for you! In my new e-course, I guide you through an simple 3 step process designed to help you explore your purpose and then start intentionally expressing your purpose and gifts in your everyday life. ⠀
Finding your purpose it isn’t as complicated as it might seem!
If you’re ready to find your direction and start partnering with God in making a difference in the lives around you, I hope you’ll join me.⠀
Check out the details and sign up by clicking here. I’m excited to purpose purpose with you in 2020!
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