More Important Than Breakfast

More Important Than Breakfast

Life is busy. The list of of every day commitments and necessities goes on and on: phone calls to make, clothes to launder, church events to attend. There are baby showers, doctor appointments, and birthday parties. Dishes to wash, snow to shovel, groceries to buy…

Still, in midst of it all, I rarely miss a meal…

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What's Stirring in Your Heart?

What's Stirring in Your Heart?

It's a gorgeous September day. The birch trees around my house are just starting to turn golden, and the first leaves are beginning to fall, settling on the grass as softly as feathers. Bright sunshine glows through the branches, flickering like an autumn campfire, and through the open window I can hear one my favorite sounds: the rustle of wind in leaves.

There is something so soothing about the sound of wind-tussled trees, like the caress of ocean waves on soft sand. There’s something timeless and eternal about it, something holy…

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What is Your Life Verse?

What is Your Life Verse?

Do you have a Bible verse that is particularly close to your heart? One that you aspire to live by and live up to?

One of my favorites is Jeremiah 17:7-8:

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.  They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. (NIV)

I love this passage because it taps into some of my deepest values and topics I’m passionate about…

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Tired of Leaving the House in a Frazzle? Here’s What I Did to Make Getting Out the Door a More Serene Experience

Tired of Leaving the House in a Frazzle? Here’s What I Did to Make Getting Out the Door a More Serene Experience

One sunny morning last summer, I found myself in a big hurry to leave my house.

I had an appointment with myself at the coffee shop to write, and I was determined to arrive before the lunch rush. Like a cat chasing a laser pointer, I darted around collecting this and that. As I raced up the stairs to get one last thing, I could feel my heart pumping and the unpleasant buzz of adrenaline coursing through my limbs.

But it wasn’t until I stepped out of my car at the coffee shop that I realized just how hurried I had been…

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3 Key Questions to Help You Craft Your Own Purpose Statement

3 Key Questions to Help You Craft Your Own Purpose Statement

You have unique passions, values, gifts, and skills. Do you want to make the most of them and fulfill all God has created you to be? If your answer is yes, I highly recommend creating a purpose statement. This powerful tool can help you keep your priorities straight, gain a clearer sense of identity, and make the difference in the world that only you can make.

This week, I’m sharing three questions that will help you create a core purpose statement…

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5 Reasons Why You Need a Purpose Statement, No Matter Who You are or What You Do

5 Reasons Why You Need a Purpose Statement, No Matter Who You are or What You Do

When I first started my coaching business, I read lots of advice about the need for a business purpose statement, so, dutifully, I got to work crafting one. In the midst of that process, something very cool happened: I also ended up creating a personal purpose statement.

Before my business, it never even occurred to me to create a purpose statement for my life. Now, in hindsight, I can’t believe I hadn’t done it sooner! It is one of the best things I have ever done, and today I want to share five reasons why I now believe EVERYONE should have a personal purpose statement no matter who you are or what you do...

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One Secret to Connecting with God in a Deeper Way

One Secret to Connecting with God in a Deeper Way

I’ve always loved journaling. I’ve been immortalizing my thoughts in notebooks since the tender age of nine and have found it to be a great way to sort my feelings, clarify my thoughts, and process my experiences.

As a young adult, I noticed something. Whenever I went through a phase where I wasn’t journaling much, I didn’t feel as close to God…

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Worried or Frustrated? Use this Shift in Perspective to Turn Your Problems into Opportunities for Growth

Worried or Frustrated? Use this Shift in Perspective to Turn Your Problems into Opportunities for Growth

It took years of prodding, but about a year ago my husband finally persuaded me to incorporate strength training into my work out routine.

Strength training involves subjecting muscles to resistance, such as laying down and pushing yourself off the floor with your arms (aka the dreaded push-up) or lifting your arms while holding heavy weights…

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Dandelions are Reviled as Weeds, but I want to be Like One. Here’s Why.

Dandelions are Reviled as Weeds, but I want to be Like One. Here’s Why.

My husband is waging war against dandelions. And, so far, the dandelions are winning.

What started out as a patch in our lower lawn has turned into a full on invasion, and our yard is almost completely covered. Slowly but surely, like a rising tide, they creep closer and closer to the house…

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Want to Promote a Positive Environment? Think About This

Want to Promote a Positive Environment? Think About This

I came across this acronym the other day: T.H.I.N.K.

T: is it True?

H: is it Helpful?

I: is it Inspiring?

N: is it Necessary?

K: is it Kind?

Apparently it was created to encourage people to think about what they say before posting on social media, with the aim of preventing internet bullying…

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This One Thing Changed My Relationship with Exercise Forever

This One Thing Changed My Relationship with Exercise Forever

This week, I’m talking about something a little bit different. Though this isn’t a health blog, being healthy is part of having a vibrant life. The life, if you read my blog, I believe you are longing for. So today I’m diving in to an important piece of the health puzzle: Exercise.

I know exercise is not something we always want to do (at least I don’t) and just the word might even bring up some negative feelings like guilt or embarrassment. But if we really want to live life to the fullest, it’s important to address all aspects of self-care: spirit, body, and soul…

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Want to Add of Spark of Joy to Your Day? Try Savoring the Sights, Sounds, and Smells of Summer

Want to Add of Spark of Joy to Your Day? Try Savoring the Sights, Sounds, and Smells of Summer

The other day I took a little stroll down my driveway to drop a letter in the mailbox.

As I walked, warm air pillowed me like a cocoon, and soft rays of sunshine caressed my skin. Bird song echoed through the woods, and a gentle wind rustled the treetops. My senses were further delighted by fragrant forest smells: warm earth, tangy sap and the sweet perfume of chokecherry blossoms…

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The One Encouraging Thing About Worry

The One Encouraging Thing About Worry

I don’t know about you, but when I struggle with a worry, besides feeling anxious and uncomfortable, I also often deal with guilt and disappointment because I know that a life of worry is not what God wants for us. I feel like if only I had stronger faith or was a more mature Christian I wouldn’t have these struggles…

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When Your Calling Seems Beyond Your Capacity, Your Qualifications, or Your Connections

When Your Calling Seems Beyond Your Capacity, Your Qualifications, or Your Connections

What dream has God placed in your heart? Is it so big or beautiful or power-packed that you wonder how it will ever come to pass?

It seems that God loves to draw us into things that stretch us beyond what we think we are capable of. Think Abraham and Sarah having a child, Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt, or Gideon rescuing his country from the Midianites.

All these people questioned their ability to fulfill the call on their life…

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Desire: Friend or Foe of Calling?

Desire: Friend or Foe of Calling?

All I remember about the sermon is that the pastor wanted a Winnebago motorhome.

As he talked about how cool it would be to have a giant transportable abode, the pastor’s eyes were bright, his face animated.

But then he started disparaging his desire. I’m not sure of his exact words, but, as I recall, he said something along the lines of how ridiculous his desire was, asking, incredulously, “Why would God want me to have a Winnebago?” and ending with “It will never happen.”…

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Acceptance, a Key to Your Calling

Acceptance, a Key to Your Calling

In his book, Let Your Life Speak, writer and teacher Parker Palmer describes how he spent several years working as a community organizer. Though he felt a deep desire to teach, meeting the needs of the inner city seemed the proper path.

But in time, he realized “there was a fundamental misfit between the rough-and-tumble of organizing" and his "overly sensitive nature."…

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Before You Can Fulfill Your Calling, You Must Believe This One Thing

Before You Can Fulfill Your Calling, You Must Believe This One Thing

If I asked you to name someone who had a calling on their life, who would you name?

Mother Theresa?

Billy Graham?

Martin Luther King, Jr.?

What about yourself?

I believe every one of us has a unique, individualized calling and purpose for our lives. But before we can fulfill it, we have to first recognize it exists…

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