Does God Want Me to Enjoy My Calling?

Does God Want Me to Enjoy My Calling?

During my first year as a counselor, a former professor invited me to her classroom to speak to her counseling students. She wanted me to share about what it was like to actually be working in the field. Near the end of our talk, one student gushed, “It must be so wonderful to finally be doing what you really love!”

I was at a loss for words….

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I Thought My Dream Wasn’t Practical. God Thought Otherwise.

I Thought My Dream Wasn’t Practical. God Thought Otherwise.

I sat in the coffee shop debating my next step. I had already decided to go to graduate school. Now I just needed to decide what to study. Against the backdrop of café chatter and between sips of my Americano, I mulled over two options: a master’s in English or a master’s in counseling…

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How Finding Your Calling Is a Lot Like Finding a Good Pair of Shoes

How Finding Your Calling Is a Lot Like Finding a Good Pair of Shoes

Have you ever had a pair of shoes that didn’t quite fit?

I once had a pair of adorable brown suede flats that I LOVED. They were super cute and went with just about everything. The problem was, they didn’t quite fit. The toe box was too narrow and squeezed my toes, while the back of the shoe had elastic embedded in the leather that bit into my heel, leaving bright red stripes. Still, I was determined to wear them…

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The Story of how I Meandered My Way to My Calling, the Epiphany that Changed My Life, and Encouragement for Your Journey

The Story of how I Meandered My Way to My Calling, the Epiphany that Changed My Life, and Encouragement for Your Journey

Do you ever wish God would appear to you in a vision and explain with perfect clarity what your calling is?

I can relate. Over the years, there have been many times I wished that my direction was more clear cut. But my path to understanding my calling has been more like a meandering river than perfectly straight railroad tracks leading from point A to point B.

Yet, in spite of all the meandering, there have been moments of clarity and even epiphany.

Today, I’m sharing a bit of my story…

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When You Question Your Value, Encourage Yourself with this Truth

When You Question Your Value, Encourage Yourself with this Truth

Do you ever feel like you don’t have much to offer? Do you sometimes look at other people and feel like your talents pale in comparison?

Most of us have probably had at least a few days when we’ve felt discouraged about ourselves. Days when we’ve questioned our value and purpose. Maybe we’ve even wondered what God, or others, could ever see in us…

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5 Reasons Why You Need a Purpose Statement, No Matter Who You are or What You Do

5 Reasons Why You Need a Purpose Statement, No Matter Who You are or What You Do

When I first started my coaching business, I read lots of advice about the need for a business purpose statement, so, dutifully, I got to work crafting one. In the midst of that process, something very cool happened: I also ended up creating a personal purpose statement.

Before my business, it never even occurred to me to create a purpose statement for my life. Now, in hindsight, I can’t believe I hadn’t done it sooner! It is one of the best things I have ever done, and today I want to share five reasons why I now believe EVERYONE should have a personal purpose statement no matter who you are or what you do...

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Desire: Friend or Foe of Calling?

Desire: Friend or Foe of Calling?

All I remember about the sermon is that the pastor wanted a Winnebago motorhome.

As he talked about how cool it would be to have a giant transportable abode, the pastor’s eyes were bright, his face animated.

But then he started disparaging his desire. I’m not sure of his exact words, but, as I recall, he said something along the lines of how ridiculous his desire was, asking, incredulously, “Why would God want me to have a Winnebago?” and ending with “It will never happen.”…

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Acceptance, a Key to Your Calling

Acceptance, a Key to Your Calling

In his book, Let Your Life Speak, writer and teacher Parker Palmer describes how he spent several years working as a community organizer. Though he felt a deep desire to teach, meeting the needs of the inner city seemed the proper path.

But in time, he realized “there was a fundamental misfit between the rough-and-tumble of organizing" and his "overly sensitive nature."…

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Before You Can Fulfill Your Calling, You Must Believe This One Thing

Before You Can Fulfill Your Calling, You Must Believe This One Thing

If I asked you to name someone who had a calling on their life, who would you name?

Mother Theresa?

Billy Graham?

Martin Luther King, Jr.?

What about yourself?

I believe every one of us has a unique, individualized calling and purpose for our lives. But before we can fulfill it, we have to first recognize it exists…

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Ten Attributes of a Calling

Ten Attributes of a Calling

What is a calling?

It’s a term we hear tossed around frequently, but what does it mean, really?

The dictionary defines calling as “a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence.”

Leadership expert Michael Hyatt asserts that it is comprised of four factors: It comes from outside yourself, it’s unique to you, it’s something you want to do, and it’s optional...


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Being Yourself, Part 3: Five Ways to Get to Know Yourself Better

Being Yourself, Part 3: Five Ways to Get to Know Yourself Better

“What are you passionate about?”

The question was posed by a trusted mentor. We were midway through a pizza dinner, and I can still envision her sitting across from me, her face bright and expectant.

I imagine my face looked disconcerted. I was about 21 years old, and I was at a loss for words...

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Being Yourself, Part 2: Five Benefits to Knowing and Embracing Your Characteristic Likes and Dislikes

Being Yourself, Part 2: Five Benefits to Knowing and Embracing Your Characteristic Likes and Dislikes

It's not always easy being ourselves. Every day, we’re peppered with messages about how we “should be.” Tossed upon a sea of opinions, we sometimes question ourselves or even feel badly about our core characteristics that define who we are on a deep level.

But when we muster our courage and decide to live from our authentic selves, there are some amazing benefits...

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Being Yourself, Part 1: Finding the Courage to be Yourself

Being Yourself, Part 1: Finding the Courage to be Yourself

Have you ever tried—and failed—to change your natural preferences to fit what someone else thought you should be?

When I started my counseling internship years ago, I was preoccupied with learning to dress professionally.

I watched hours of What Not to Wear, and like a marathoner guzzling Gatorade, I gulped down Clinton and Stacy’s advice on how to be fashionable and polished. I learned that bright colors and patterns were compelling; neutrals were boring. Well, I didn't want to be boring...

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Simplify Your Day, Tackle Your Most Important Goals, and Reduce Anxiety with this Easy Rule

Simplify Your Day, Tackle Your Most Important Goals, and Reduce Anxiety with this Easy Rule

When I started working primarily from home several years ago, I had grand plans for all I was going to accomplish. And I did get a lot done—on any given day I could be found cleaning my office, doing loads of laundry, preparing healthy meals, answering emails...

There was just one problem.

Something very important to me wasn’t getting done...

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3 Questions to Guide Your New Year, Organize Your Goals, and Maximize Your Impact

3 Questions to Guide Your New Year, Organize Your Goals, and Maximize Your Impact

There's something magical about opening a new planner.

I love the fresh, blank, creamy pages full of clean lines and empty boxes just waiting for me to fill in with appointments, projects, concerts, coffee dates... 

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