Starting Something New? What a Baby Reindeer Can Teach Us About Pushing Through the Initial Awkwardness into Confidence and Grace
/This week I’m sharing one of my devotions that was originally published @joyfullifemagazine on Instagram. I hope it encourages you as you move forward in all God has created you for and called you to!
With what appeared to be every ounce of his strength, the newborn reindeer calf pushed himself to a standing position. His spindly legs trembled and his entire fuzzy, brown body shook with the effort of remaining upright. Close behind, mama reindeer hovered protectively, keeping watch over her baby’s progress. The calf took one halting step forward—then tripped and tumbled to the ground.⠀
I got to watch this baby reindeer learning to walk courtesy of a video shared by our local large animal research station. The caption said, “The first step is always the hardest!”⠀
Isn’t that the truth?⠀
Whether we’re learning to cook, change a diaper, write, paint, knit, give a speech, or grow a garden, our first attempts at any new endeavor tend to be the hardest. Initially, we may feel discouraged by the difficulty. We might be embarrassed by our inexperience or reluctant to perform in front of others for fear of a misstep.⠀
But the only way we can gain proficiency is the same way a baby reindeer learns to walk: one wobbly step at a time. When we’re faithful to push past our discomfort and keep practicing, our steps grow steadily stronger. Before too long, we find that we can run with grace and ease!⠀
What new things are you stepping into in your life? Are you starting a new job? Adapting to a new city? Adjusting to parenthood? Taking on a new role at church? As you move forward, keep this promise in mind: “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand” (Psalm 37:23-24 NIV).⠀
Take courage knowing that, just like the reindeer calf’s attentive mama, God is close by. He is watching over your every step. Things may seem hard now, but, if you persevere, God will help you grow the muscles you need to walk firmly into all He has planned for you!⠀
With love,
I want to hear from you!
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