How to Enjoy Contemplative Prayer, the Sacred Rhythm of Work and Rest, Ideas for a Peaceful Life, and More!

Happy last day of June!

As you know (unless you're new to my online community—in which case, welcome!), at the close of every month, I share a few of my favorite listens, reads, and resources.

As we move into July, I hope these resources encourage and inspire you as you pursue a life of purpose, joy, and intimacy with God.

You are in my thoughts and prayers, and I’d love to hear from you! You can contact me here or through the comment section below!

In purpose and faith,


Finding Joy in Everyday Life...

Before we get to the resources, here are a few things that brought me joy this month!

And he’s off! Wesley is crawling! Plus teething, eating solids, and pulling open drawers…

He has also started to hate having his diaper changed, something he used to not mind at all—and I joke that his crying, rolling, and writhing when we lay him down on his back to change him is his way of saying, “Mom, don’t you know I’m busy!? I don’t have time to lie around getting my diaper changed!”😂

My friend Keri visited from out of town, and it was so fun to connect in person. We’ve been friends since 1st grade!

I painted! It’s not a masterpiece by any means, but I think it’s only the third time I’ve gotten my paints out since Wesley was born, and I thoroughly enjoyed connecting to my artistic side.

If you’re wondering what inspired my subject matter…

My parents just celebrated their 40th anniversary, and my dad’s first-ever gift to my mom, funnily enough, was a jar of green olives, complete with a red-checked ribbon (my mom saved the ribbon for a long time—I remember as a kid seeing it in a box of old stuff and her explaining its significance). I painted this on the front of the anniversary card I made them in honor of it. They were quite amused. 😂

What brought you joy this past month? I'd love to hear about it!

Resources to Inspire, Encourage, and Equip

I’ve been reading…

Garden City: Praying with Passion, Confidence, and Authority by John Mark Comer

This is one of those books where I find myself writing Yes! next to multiple sentences:

“Calling isn’t something you choose… It’s something you unearth. You excavate. You dig it out. And you discover.” Yes!

“You’re called. What you do matters to God a whole lot.” Yes!

“It’s just as important to know who you’re not and why you aren’t called to, as it is to know who you are and what you are called to. Because the clearer your sense of identity and calling are, the more you can focus on what God made you to do. You start by saying yes to God's calling on your life, and then you say no to everything else.” Yes!

In addition to talking about calling, Comer reveals how God wove a rhythm of work and rest into our DNA (including a couple of beautiful chapters on Sabbath), and how, rather than being a burden or a curse, as it’s so often perceived to be, work is meant to be a blessing and partnership with God that carries into eternity.

I’m almost done with the book, and this second to last chapter I just finished about work in our resurrected life is really stretching my mind in a cool-crazy way!

You can learn more here.

I've been watching/listening...

Prayer: Being with God by John Mark Comer

“We become like whatever it is we gaze upon, whether it's a TV or the Trinity. Therefore the yellow line down the middle of the pathway to becoming like Jesus is looking at Jesus.” —John Mark Comer

Another offering from John Mark Comer. :) I’ve enjoyed it for multiple reasons, including that it dovetails so nicely with John Eldredge’s book on prayer I’ve been reading.

In this message, Comer explains what contemplative prayer is (basically, a type of prayer that’s beyond laboring and asking and lies in simply abiding and beholding), how it can transform our relationship with Christ, the neuroscience of prayer, and how to handle distractions and other obstacles to prayer.

You can listen here.

I've also been watching...

“8 Ideas For a Slow & Peaceful life - Forest bathing, Foraging | Slow Living in English Countryside” by Daria Shew

I watched this gal’s video on how she learned to paint with watercolors and it was so beautiful and calming, I decided to check out some of her others. This one on slowing down is also quite lovely!

I've been singing...

Give Me Jesus by Common Gathering

"More than silver, more than gold
You are the treasure that I hold
Now that I've tasted of Your goodness
Nothing else will satisfy."

You can listen to the song here.

P.S. Looks like you’re interested in pursuing a life of purpose and faith!

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I wrote this post because I’m on a mission to encourage and equip women to live the life of faith, passion, and purpose that we were made for. You can help make a difference by sharing this post with a friend (or friends!) who you think would be encouraged or inspired by it. Thanks!


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