I Was a Mess—Until I Realized This...

Photo by neal johnson on unsplash

Nine years ago, I was a professional counselor running my own private practice.

When I first launched my business, I hoped it would relieve the career dissatisfaction I felt in my previous job at a local agency

It didn’t. In fact, several months into my new endeavor, I felt worse than before. Every morning when I woke up, my stomach felt like a black hole of anxiety, and I was crying all the time.

Honestly, I was a mess.


But there was actually a good reason for my distress: I was trying to fit into a role I wasn’t meant for. Once I recognized this reality and my adjusted course, the emotional storm inside settled down.

Since then, I’ve learned that as uncomfortable as it is, anxiety is a signal worth paying attention to. 

Sometimes it signals an underlying medical condition, or an unhealthy work environment, or unresolved emotional wounds or trauma. 

And sometimes it signals that we’re on the wrong path or taking on commitments that just aren’t a good fit for our personality or life season.


Have you been feeling anxious? If so, I empathize! I understand how much you might want to escape anxiety, as is only natural.

But the way out is by attending to it, not ignoring or numbing it. 

So I encourage you to get quiet and really listen. The anxiety is just the tip of the iceberg—what’s below the surface?

What are you afraid of or overwhelmed by?

What lies are you believing about yourself or God?

Then take steps to address the root cause—make an appointment with a counselor, visit your doctor, pray with your pastor…

Or, if like me, you discover that your anxiety is related to taking on roles or responsibilities you simply aren’t suited for, start planning how to gracefully exit those roles. Because it turns out there’s a lot of peace to be found in living in your own lane. 

As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers, and I’d love to hear from you! You can contact me here or through the comment section below!

In purpose and faith,


P.S. Are you a mom?

Do you want to overcome anxiety, particularly in the area of your family life?

I hear you! We all desire a peaceful and happy home, so I wanted to share something incredible with you…

My friend Brynn Greene is hosting a free online inspirational and empowering series called Thriving Moms Summit: Overcome Anxiety and Embrace Peace, where she has interviewed over 13 expert Christian women on the topic, including me!!

This summit will provide and nourish you with so much value to overcome anxiety and find peace in a world full of turmoil. 

Tap here to learn more & save your free seat.

When you join me, you will get access to:

       *Daily inspiration to live with joy and peace

      *Daily expert interviews (including me!!)

      *Practical and encouraging tips for how to overcome anxiety in various avenues of our lives, including health, conflict, mindset, and more

      *How to incorporate practical measures to embrace peace one step at a time, including free resources to make that happen!

      *How to live each day joyfully and fully alive to the best version of you

Are you ready to conquer anxiety, embrace peace, and be encouraged to live a life of joy and peace that you deserve?


Save your seat to the FREE online series, Thriving Moms Summit: Overcome Anxiety and Embrace Peace!

You must register to join us and get the free gifts these amazing speakers are giving away. The Thriving Moms Summit runs September 16-29, just as school is back in session.  Start this year off right by making it the most peaceful year yet. I’ll see you there!


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I wrote this post because I’m on a mission to encourage and equip women to live the life of faith, passion, and purpose that we were made for. You can help make a difference by sharing this post with a friend (or friends!) who you think would be encouraged or inspired by it. Thanks!


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