When God Leads You Into the Unknown
/Photo by nikita kachanovsky on unsplash
Has God planted dreams and desires in your heart? Do you feel Him calling you to take steps toward them, but realize that doing so will mean letting go of what feels safe and familiar?
If so, I hope you’ll check out a blog post I wrote that was featured this past week on Becky Beresford’s Brave Women series.
In it, I share about a huge decision I once faced—one that presented the opportunity to remain in a position that felt safe and comfortable or to follow the Holy Spirit and venture into the unknown.
You can read the first bit below and then follow the link to read the rest. (Or tap here to go straight to the article.) I hope it encourages and inspires you!
As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers, and I’d love to hear from you! You can contact me here or through the comment section below!
In purpose and faith,
For the Days God Leads Us Into the Unknown: Boldly Stepping into New Territory
I suspected something big was up when, for the first time in seven years, a colleague and I were summoned as a pair to our executive director’s office.
Sure enough, as soon as the two of us settled into the tired 1980s-era sofa gracing his office, the director proceeded to inform us that the counseling center we worked for was closing. Which meant that soon, we’d both be out of jobs.
News of this nature would probably strike fear in the hearts of most people. But for me? It was some of the most welcome news I could have received.
The truth was, while I knew the work I did as a professional counselor was good work that helped hurting people, I didn’t love my job. It took a much bigger toll on my soul than I’d anticipated when I decided to pursue a career in mental health, and I’d come to realize that it simply wasn’t the best fit for my giftings and personality.
I’d also actually known for some time that my employment at this agency wasn’t meant to continue long term because about a year prior to the announcement that my job was ending, I’d felt God confirm that He was calling me to leave counseling and become a full-time writer. Though this was something I strongly desired to do, I hadn’t yet felt God give me the green light to withdraw from the counseling field completely. So this new development was very exciting because it seemed to clearly signal the release I’d been waiting for.
However, not long after receiving the notice of employment termination, a different agency reached out and offered me another counseling job—one that paid better and had as many, if not more, benefits as the one I was losing.
I felt conflicted…
You can read the rest here!
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…Whenever I think of da Vinci and his hand painting, I can’t help but think of Ephesians 2:10, which says that “we are God’s masterpiece” (NLT).
Just as da Vinci personally and carefully formed the Mona Lisa with his fingers, so God tenderly and intentionally molded and formed you into His great masterpiece…