The Power of Visual Aids, Prayer That Moves Mountains, the Refining Nature of Relationships, and More!

Photo by Omar Lopez on unsplash

Happy last day of May!

As you know (unless you're new to my online community—in which case, welcome!), at the close of every month, I share a few of my favorite listens, reads, and resources.

As we move into June, I hope these resources encourage and inspire you as you pursue a life of purpose, joy, and intimacy with God.

You are in my thoughts and prayers, and I’d love to hear from you! You can contact me here or through the comment section below!

In purpose and faith,


Finding Joy in Everyday Life...

Before we get to the resources, here are a few things that brought me joy this month!

Wesley is doing planks! He’s also been getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. He can scoot backward but hasn’t quite managed to move forward yet. But I know it’s just a matter of time until our little one is mobile!

My mom and me, circa 1985

Wesley and me, May 2024

We took Wesley on his first trip to Denali Park! It turned out to be very cold and windy that day, so while we did go for a short walk, we didn’t go far (Paul did go a little further and climbed some rocks while Wesley and I hung out in the car and kept warm 😆). But we did enjoy driving through the Park and trying to re-create a family photo of my mom holding me in the Park when I was a baby.

We visited a local greenhouse over Mother’s Day weekend, and I loved seeing all the vibrant colors, especially since things were still a little drab around here at that time.

What brought you joy this past month? I'd love to hear about it!

Resources to Inspire, Encourage, and Equip

I’ve been reading…

Moving Mountains: Praying with Passion, Confidence, and Authority by John Eldredge

“Human beings are meant to intervene, to engage, to make a difference. We can move mountains. It’s in our DNA.”John Eldredge

I’ve really been enjoying this book on prayer by John Eldredge (one of my favorite authors!). He offers insight on why some prayers work—and others don’t—and how to pray more effectively. I especially appreciated his thoughts on the power of enduring prayer and the importance of prayers of consecration. You can learn more here.

I’ve also been reading…

“How to Shift Your Trajectory with a Well-Placed Visual” by Twyla Franz

“…You want to shift your trajectory, adopt a new habit, overcome a fear, trust God in a specific, stretching area. You have a word of the year or a life verse, but you easily forget about it. You’re not making the progress you’d hope and you’re discouraged.

My “slow and steady wins the race” reminder

Maybe you need less try-hard and self-blame and instead, a well-placed visual reminder. Something on your phone or wall or mirror to keep your goal constantly on your mind...”Twyla Franz

I love visual reminders—I have a little bracelet with the word “artist” on it pinned to my bulletin board to remind me of when God spoke to me about being an artist, I have sticky notes in various spots around my house to remind me of certain promises of God, and just recently I bought myself a little brass tortoise to remind myself that “slow and steady wins the race” – something God spoke to me about last year (you can read more about that here).

So I loved this article by my friend Twyla about the power of visual aids. You can read the full piece here.

I've been watching/listening...

God Is Refining You Through Your Relationships by Bill Johnson

“We actually need people, that in relationship, expose where we have sharp edges.” —Bill Johnson

Jesus said “My yoke is easy and my burden is light”—so why does it sometimes feel like the yolk is heavy? I really appreciated Bill Johnson’s insight into this issue, especially when it comes to personal relationships. You can listen here.

I've been listening...

“Rattle” by Elevation Worship

"Friday's disappointment is Sunday's empty tomb. Since when has impossible ever stopped You." Thank you, God, that nothing is impossible with you! You can listen to the song here.

P.S. Looks like you’re interested in pursuing a life of purpose and faith!

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I wrote this post because I’m on a mission to encourage and equip women to live the life of faith, passion, and purpose that we were made for. You can help make a difference by sharing this post with a friend (or friends!) who you think would be encouraged or inspired by it. Thanks!


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