Do You Feel God Calling You To Something New? Will You Accept?
/Photo by María Victoria Heredia Reyes on Unsplash
I recently read this sentence in an advertisement for a writing program: “The material we present assumes that you’ve accepted the call to write…”
What stood out to me was the word “accepted.”
In the journey of living a purposeful life, I think many people feel that finding their call is the hard part. Once they know what they’re called to, they think the rest will be easy.
But that’s not necessarily the case.
I believe it is not discovering but rather accepting our callings that is often the hard part.
In Matthew 19 we find an account of a wealthy young man seeking eternal life.
In response to his questions, Jesus said, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me” (19:21 NIV).
What Jesus was asking him at that moment was clear: Give to the poor and follow me. For this young man, the cost was too high. He knew his call, but he did not accept it. Matthew tells us that, rather than follow Jesus, “he went away sad” (19:22).
Accepting God’s call can be costly. It may cost us financially. It may cost us time. We might have to let go of certain relationships or sacrifice social prestige. Our habits might have to change.
I remember the day that I knew without a doubt God was calling me to be a writer. But though the call was clear, it was still up to me whether to accept.
There were many things that could have held me back from accepting that call. I wondered how I would make money. I felt a little sad about the status I would lose when I was no longer a licensed professional counselor. But I knew God well enough to know the reward for following Him would far outweigh any sacrifice I would have to make. On this side of things, though there certainly have been and continue to be challenges in my journey, I have absolutely no regrets for saying yes to His call.
In Matthew 4:19-20, we find another account of Jesus calling people to follow Him. To his soon-to-be disciples, Peter and Andrew, Jesus said: “Come, follow me…and I will send you out to fish for people” (NLT).
Unlike the rich young man who went away sadly, when Peter and Andrew heard the call they left their nets “at once” to be with Jesus.
Whatever God’s call, whether it’s a “big” call to write a book or a “small” call to send a care package to a friend, I want to be like Peter, Andrew, and the other disciples who immediately accepted Jesus’ call. I want to follow Him wherever He leads me. I don’t want to let the cost stop me, because relationship with Jesus is priceless! The joy, peace, and fulfillment in saying yes always outweighs any sacrifice we must make.
What have you felt stirring in your heart lately?
Do you sense God calling you to begin or improve your relationship with Him? Do you feel Him nudging you to start a blog or start a new job? Start a family or a start business? Or to move toward some other goal, dream, or relationship? Will you accept the call? The choice is yours to make.
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In purpose and faith,
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In the course, I guide participants through a simple 3 step process designed to help them explore their purpose and then start intentionally expressing their purpose and gifts in their current season. ⠀
Together we ⠀⠀⠀⠀
1. Look at what the Bible says about purpose.⠀⠀⠀⠀
2. Explore clues to who participants are, including their passions & values, their gifts & skills, their personality, and their dreams & desires. ⠀⠀⠀⠀
3. Bring it all together and prayerfully explore who, what, and where participants can share what God has given them.
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…Whenever I think of da Vinci and his hand painting, I can’t help but think of Ephesians 2:10, which says that “we are God’s masterpiece” (NLT).
Just as da Vinci personally and carefully formed the Mona Lisa with his fingers, so God tenderly and intentionally molded and formed you into His great masterpiece…