Feel Too Busy to Take a Break?

Have you ever felt that you were so busy you couldn’t take a break? I found myself in that place not long ago.

I’d started a new project—something I felt God had prompted me to do—but as the project progressed, it seemed to consume more and more of my time. When I discovered feelings of resentment creeping in regarding my work, I knew something needed to change.

As I reflected on how I was spending my time, I felt God remind me of this truth: He is not a taskmaster. He’s not standing behind me whipping me into submission, expecting me to labor night and day with no substantial periods of rest.

Without realizing it, I had fallen into a slave mentality. But I’m not a slave. I’m a much-loved child, a friend, and even a partner of God’s. When He invites me into a new project or an opportunity to minister, He’s not using me. His goal isn’t to get as much work out of me as possible and then discard me. No. He cares about my needs and limitations. He cares about rest.

Remember Jesus' words to the weary found in Matthew 11:28-30? He said, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (ESV).

If you feel that you’re being run ragged, pause to consider: Are you laboring under God’s direction or your own expectations?

When I looked at my own situation, I realized that my frenzied pace was self-imposed. There’s nothing wrong with doing, but I had lost sight of what must always come first: being who I am—God’s child, God’s friend.

I’m so thankful that we belong not to a harsh taskmaster but to the gentle Shepherd, the One Who bears the brunt of the weight of the yoke. The One who brings us rest.

As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers, and I’d love to hear from you! You can contact me here!

In purpose and faith,


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