Spiritual Practices to Help You Connect With God, What the Bible Says About Art, and Other Resources

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Happy last day of January!

I'm back from my break and excited to dive back into connecting with my online community!

As you know (unless you're new to my online community—in which case, welcome!), at the close of every month, I share a few of my favorite listens, reads, and resources.

As we move into February, I hope these resources encourage and inspire you as you pursue a life of purpose, joy, and intimacy with God!

And as always, you are in my thoughts and prayers, and I’d love to hear from you! You can contact me here or through the comment section below!


Finding Joy in Everyday Life...

Before we get to the resources, here some things that brought me joy in January!

The Joyful Life Magazine recently released their third devotional, and I'm honored to once again have several of my devotions featured!

I got my hard copy in the mail around the beginning of the year and was so excited to open the package and hold this beautiful book in my hands—it truly is a work of art.

If you're looking for encouraging devotions from a fantastic group of writers, you can get your own copy here!

I took a "staycation" for a couple of weeks in January, and I got to read lots of books—mostly mystery novels—my favorite! I'm so thankful for time to rest and recharge.

What was your favorite thing about January? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

I've been reading...

Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation by Ruth Hayley Barton

I'm actually only about halfway through this book, but I have been loving it so far! Each chapter walks the reader through a different spiritual practice that helps us meet the deepest longing of our hearts—deeper intimacy with God.

I loved her chapter on how our longings can draw us closer to God, and her chapter on solitude really resonated in this season as I'm seeking to slow down and continue finding soul rest and refreshment in God. I've also really enjoyed some of her practices for reading Scripture and for prayer.

You can learn more about this wonderful book here!

I've also been reading...

Art and the Bible by Francis Schaeffer

This little booklet is actually two essays that Francis Schaeffer wrote on art from a Christian perspective. The first essay explores various types of art as well as discusses how art and beauty were a part of God's design for His temple and what that means for us today.

In the second essay, he shares thoughts on style, the Christian worldview in art, and how art should be judged, among other things.

I found parts of this book a little bit dry, but other parts I found very encouraging and enriching. If you're looking for a deeper understanding of how the Bible views art and the value of Christians in the arts today, I think this is a good resource. And at 94 pages (and small pages, at that) it's a quick read.

You can learn more here!

I've been listening/watching...

“How to Get Over Analysis Paralysis” by Matt Tommey

Have you ever faced a problem while pursuing your calling? And have those problems ever made your wonder, Maybe this isn't really what I'm supposed to be doing...?

In this The Thriving Christian Podcast episode, Matt Tommey, one of my favorite encouraging voices to listen to, addresses this experience. He explains the difference between a purpose question and a process question and how we can navigate these two types of questions.

Matt Tommey's target audience is artists, but the message of this episode is applicable for anyone pursuing the dream and purpose God put in their heart! You can listen to the episode here—it's just under seven minutes long.

I've been listening...

The God Who Sees

I guess this is more something you might want to watch—but anyway, I highly recommend it! Such a beautiful and powerful reminder of God's faithful, tender love.

From the description: "Kathie Lee Gifford & Nicole C. Mullen's modern oratorio telling the stories of Hagar, Ruth, David, and Mary and the promises God made to them."


I’m running a giveaway this week!

I know how these cold, dark winter days can be difficult, and I’ve found that little, cozy touches can go a long way in brightening my heart and mind—things like sitting by the fire (or a nice candle), drinking coffee, snacking on chocolate, and losing myself in good books.

Because I know what a difference these simple pleasures can make, and because I want to spread winter cheer, I’m giving away a cozy care package!

The winner will be drawn from my email list, so all you have to do is enter your email address here and you’ll be entered!

The giveaway ends February 5th at 11:59 AKST, and I will notify the winner by email on February 6th. The winner must be able to supply a U.S. mailing address.

I can't wait to share this cozy care package with the lucky winner!

Click here for more details.

P.P.S. Looks like you’re interested in pursuing a life of purpose and faith!

I’d love to send you more great (and free!) encouragement and tools to help you on your journey. Just click here to join my email list and become part of my online community.

As a subscriber, you’ll also be entered into my giveaways, gain access to my free resource library (see below for a peek at what’s in there now!), and more! Sign up here!

I wrote this post because I’m on a mission to encourage and equip women to live the life of faith, passion, and purpose that we were made for. You can help make a difference by sharing this post with a friend (or friends!) who you think would be encouraged or inspired by it. Thanks!


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