Do You Have a Dream but Feel Like It's Being Drowned by Life Circumstances?
/Photo by Inja Pavlić on Unsplash
Do you have a dream but feel like it's being drowned by life circumstances?
This week, I’m excited to be sharing a guest post from my dear friend Kay Gleaves, who has some encouragement for you to keep believing even when things look bleak.
Kay is a fellow devotion writer on the Joyful Life team, an expert encourager, and an all-around amazing woman of God. I know you will be inspired and uplifted by this powerful devotion—I certainly have been!
As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers, and I’d love to hear from you! You can share your thoughts in the comments below or contact me here.
❤️ In purpose and faith,
When It Feels Like Your Dream Is Being Drowned by Life Circumstances
by Kay Gleaves
It’s your dream. ⠀
You’re hyped and excited and begin running after it with your whole heart!⠀
Then 'water' gets dumped on it—a few grumblers are against the idea; your schedule throws a wrench in the mix; you don’t know the next step. ⠀
Still, you just know it's going to be used by God, so you keep dreaming. You cast vision. You apply your faith and humbly pursue this fire set within you. ⠀
Then another bucket of 'water' gets dumped—finances fall through; health issues hit; relationships falter.⠀
Then another—your schedule is overwhelmed; you’re missing family events; you’re crying yourself to sleep.⠀
And yet another still—no one calls you back; no one acknowledges the vision; no one is catching fire with you.⠀
Just when it looks like it's doomed enough, the ditches around it begin to fill up. Others have begun to look at your drenched 'mess' and agree it’s doomed. 'Water' seems to be winning. The flood you're in is too deep, and at this point, you’re going to need a miracle.⠀
So, let me ask you: Where is your faith? Is it in the water? Or is it like Elijah's—in the miracle?⠀
Despite the waterworks, despite the drenching, despite trenches filling up, and even naysayers, Elijah believed in the One who could ignite a soggy, drenched offering in one fell swoop of consuming fire! ⠀
In 1 Kings 18:36-38, after building an altar and placing a sacrifice upon it, Elijah had the people douse it with water over and over. Then he said: “Lord...let it be known this day that you are God...that I am your servant...that I have done all these things at your word...that this people may know that You are God...Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.”⠀
Are your eyes on the water? Let them linger there only long enough to see a miracle-working, all-consuming Fire lick it up!⠀
About the author:
Kay lives in the heart of the Midwest, where she homesteads with her husband and extended family. A mama with two grown kids, empty nesting has led her to pursue the dreams set in her own heart; ones of writing, creating and ministering within women's & prison ministries.
A #hopedealer, #Jesusgirl and soon to be Revelation Wellness instructor and fitness teacher/gospel preacher, Kay has learned that using her own messy testimony to help other women meet Jesus, discover their worth, and love themselves in the middle of their own, sometimes very messy stories, is the Kingdom building to which she's been called.
You can find her loving Jesus, building her homestead, sharing writings and imperfectly doing life joyfully, on Instagram @homesteaderkay and at
This devotion was originally published by the Joyful Life.
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…Whenever I think of da Vinci and his hand painting, I can’t help but think of Ephesians 2:10, which says that “we are God’s masterpiece” (NLT).
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